How to Identify and Fix a Roof Leak

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Are there any special considerations when installing solar attic vents on my ridge?

Ron asks: We installed a ridge-shaped ventilation grille and a solar-powered ventilation fan on our roof. I noticed that...

What materials can be used on low slope roof?

Most low-slope roofs are now constructed or re-covered with one of four main material types: TPO, PVC, EPDM, or modified...

How often should you do maintenance on your roof?

You can do self-checks on your roof to see if there's anything you notice, in addition to hiring a professional to check...

What safety precautions should i take when working on a roof?

Top 10 roof safety tips Always start with your pre-start talk. Ladders must be stable and well secured or tied up.

What are the types of waterproofing materials?

Polyurethane is considered to be one of the best waterproofing materials. The use of liquid waterproofing membranes,...

Are lightning protection systems worth it?

While lightning rods help protect a structure from direct lightning impact, a complete lightning protection system is...

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Should i make a claim for wind damaged roof?

Should i make a claim for wind damaged roof?

Yes, as stated above, homeowners insurance generally covers most types of wind damage. Usually, the housing coverage in...


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